Class Campaign

Table of Contents

  1. Prologue
  2. Chapter 1: Jymrian
  3. Chapter 2: Claiming the Obsidian Orb (Thursday - 9/12)
  4. Chapter 3: Examining the Orb (Tuesday - 9/15)
  5. Chapter 4: Returning the Orb (Thursday - 9/19)
  6. Chapter 5: The Box (Tuesday - 9/24)
  7. Chapter 6: Asking Around (Thursday - 9/26)
  8. Chapter 7: The Orc Keep (Thursday - 10/03)
  9. Chapter 8: When all else fails… fire! (Thursday - 10/10)
  10. Chapter 9: Why not pirates? (Thursday - 10/17)


You and your fellow adventurers have found yourself in an unfortunate position - no gold in your pockets and no work lined up to replace said gold. However, you have found yourself in the city of Lumineux. The city stands in a lush valley, surrounded by verdant forests and snow-capped mountains. Within the city, you find folks of all sorts and all walks of life. You recognize the city as a place of opportunity for you and your party… but also, perhaps, a place of potential danger.

You make your way first to the Hammer & Tongs, a large tavern near the Adventurers’ District, where folks such as you often go to find work or a place to relax, indulging whatever vices you might partake in. Within the sprawling main floor of the Hammer & Tongs, you see adventurers large and small, sharing stories and a mug of ale.

Chapter 1: Jymrian

At a table of prominence, you find the Mayor of Lumineux - Jymrian. While not of tall stature, he exudes confidence. He’s wearing adventurer’s gear underneath a more opulent robe, signifying his station. You realize that he must have come to his position not through back room politics, but by the acceptance and adulation of the other adventurers. You have heard tales that he was a Ranger before taking on the mantle of Mayor - swift of foot and a true shot with his longbow.

Sitting next to Jymrian, retelling some story of heroism surely, you see Doomguy, famed barbarian. Even sitting down, he seems impossibly large, wearing thick leather armor and a horned helmet, reminiscent of a demon. By his feet, you see a large obsidian orb. It appears to glow from a fire within. From this distance, you cannot discern more about it.

“Hail and well met, adventurers,” Jymrian calls as you approach his table. “What brings you to my fair city?”

After a brief exchange asking for work, Jymrian insists that you prove your worth and challenges you to a race. Shedding his mayoral robe, Jymrian leads you to the main boulevard. With little effort, he bests you in a race, but he is impressed with your tenacity.

Outcome: Random encounter failed.

Chapter 2: Claiming the Obsidian Orb (Thursday - 9/12)

Back at the Hammer & Tongs, you convince Jymrian to distract Doomguy for a moment, allowing you to steal the Obsidian Orb taking it out behind the Hammer & Tongs. Why would Jymrian help you in this way? What is the purpose of the Obsidan Orb? And why did Doomguy just have it sitting at his feet?

Outcome: Random encouter succeeded! Campaign RE-1: Aesthetics offered.

Chapter 3: Examining the Orb (Tuesday - 9/15)

After successful perception, arcana, and religion checks, your have discovered the following:

  • Perfectly smooth and cold
  • Flecks of white and silver across the surface
  • A light seems to glow from within
  • Called the Orb of Zoz’gathel, you know that it opens a portal to the Demon Realm, but you don’t know how to activate it

Outcome: Advantage for encounter next time. No RE offered.

Chapter 4: Returning the Orb (Thursday - 9/19)

First, you dropped the orb on your foot trying to smash it (-1 HP)… but after that, you decide to take the Orb of Zoz’gathel to Brother Demetrius at the Church of [insert name of god here]. Brother Demetrius tells you that Doomguy stole the Orb from the church several days ago and he is thrilled that you have returned it.

He has offered you a boon… what could the boon be?

Outcome: Campaign RE-2: Achievement Unlocked offered.

Chapter 5: The Box (Tuesday - 9/24)

Your first instinct was to ask for a new pair of magical shoes, so you could actually beat Jymrian in a race. Alas, Brother Demetrius told you that he had no such magical item.

You then thought that perhaps formalizing your relationship with the Church of [insert name of god here] could be beneficial. It took very little convincing (seriously, it was a pretty terrible roll… Demetrius must be pretty desperate…) for you to become Champions of the Church of [insert name of god here].

Brother Demetrius gives you your next quest - to find the 13 sacred medallions that rest in this box:

Box of Church of Insert Name of God Here

“But wait… I count 17 medallions here…” you say.

“Yes, but the 13th medallion is actually split into 5 parts!” Demetrius responds.

“That… that doesn’t make any sense…” you reply.

“Well, that’s the image ChatGPT gave me when I asked a few times before giving up,” he says with a shrug.

Outcome: Advantage for encounter next time. No RE offered.

Chapter 6: Asking Around (Thursday - 9/26)

You decide to go back to Jymrian (?!?!?) to see if he knows anything about the Medallions. He tells you that he has heard that there’s an orc warlord north of Lumineux that has bragged about having two of the Medallions. After a rather terrible role, Jymrian agrees to give your party horses and provisions for the journey north.

Outcome: Campaign RE-3: Physics offered.

Chapter 7: The Orc Keep (Thursday - 10/03)

In a struggle from start to finish, your adventuring party simply could not figure out how to get into the keep. And you took a lot of arrows to the body…

Outcome: A lot of really bad rolls…

Chapter 8: When all else fails… fire! (Thursday - 10/10)

Using a Trojan Horse maneuver (with a giant binacorn), you manage to get inside the keep at night. At which point, you decide to burn the place down (competely ignorning that you don’t know whether fire will damage the medallions…). But you manage to aquire the first two medallions and escape… with a giant burning keep behind you…

Outcome: Campaign RE-4: PICO-8 offered.

Chapter 9: Why not pirates? (Thursday - 10/17)

Going back to the well that is apparently never dry, Jymrian once again has a lead for you on the next few medallions as relayed to him by his herald, Harold. There’s a pirate ship just off the coast that is coming in to dock soon for supplies and you decide to try to get enlisted as new pirate crew members. First, a trip to the various … “pirate outfitters?” around town has yielded some appropriate pirate gear (including a parrot!) and multiple peg legs… which you magically tape to your knees.

“It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for ‘em.”

Outcome: Advantage for encounter next time. No RE offered.